Saturday, May 9, 2009

Reflecting on my Work

Self Portrait:
Using cool, water blue and red, hot fiery orange, I wanted this painting to be the paradox of two of my personalities, which balance each other out. I can be very mellow sometimes, and go with the flow, but other times my fire and passion can become dominant inside. For example, on the tennis court, I may look calm and relaxed, but on the inside I can be full of fire, passion, and energy. Some of the challenges that I experienced while making this painting was how to use the color to show perspective, rather than using the drawing. I finally was able to recognize that the shades and emphasises of color was the key, which led to some "success." Another challenge was making the colors "blend"/"fade" when I was trying to make things stand out and/or show depth (for example under the eye). Oppositely, I think that I was successful in creating/mixing the colors that I wanted to get for this portrait. In addition, I really like how the "fiery"-side of the portrait "fades"/transitions from a more yellow orange to a more red-orange, touching on the spectrum of the continuum of red and yellow (going from yellow to red on the color wheel). Overall, I was extremely happy with what I got for the right-side of the portrait, and I definitely want to come back and finish up the right and finish the left-side of this painting. If I were to do this portrait another time, I would, without second thought, get the drawing portion of the assignment over with as quickly as possible (not pay so much attention to it), so I could focus on having a finished portrait, and I could put more effort into the painting (main part) of the project.

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